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福建教师招聘面试:小学英语《A good read -listening part》说课稿

2019-08-20 17:18:47



  Good morning/afternoon, my dear judges. I'm number 4. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. Today my topic is “A good read” .My presentation consists of the following aspects.

  I Analysis of teaching materials

  This lesson is from Yilin-oxford press,volume two of grade 5,unit4. the main content of this unit is about book reading , though this lesson students can know the inportance of reading, this unit is meaningful to guide students develop a good reading habit.

  II Analysis of students

  Students in grade 8 have already learn english for many years, they can read and listen but they do not master the effective skills in listening , they have their own opinions ,but they are still shy to speak in english, so i will train their speaking and listening skills though different activities in the class.

  III Analysis of teaching aims

  According to the analysis of the teaching materials and my students, the teaching aim are as follows:

  (1)Knowledge aims:

  Students can get the main content of the dialogue though extensive listening.

  Students can get what book does daniel and sandy likes to read respectively.

  Students can master the scentence mattern “what are you doing ?” “what do you like to do?”

  (2)Ability aims:

  Students can know how to get the main idea by using extensive listening skills.

  Students can grasp the intensive listening skills in finding detailed information.

  Students can improve their speaking skills through dialuge and group discussion.

  (3)Emotional aims:

  Students can know the importance of reading and can develop a good habit of reading after learning this unit

  IV Analysis of teaching key points and difficult points

  According to the teaching aims , teaching key and difficult points are as follows

  key points:

  Scentence pattern: “-what are you doing ?-i am doing ” “-what do you like to do?- i’d like to do ”

  Students can get main idea of listening material

  difficult points:

  Students can use the listening skills in finding different information of the listening material.

  Students can know the importance of reading and can try to develop a good reading habit.

  V Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods

  In order to realize the teaching aims and teaching key and difficult points effectively, i will use “task-based teaching method ” and “communicative teaching method”, let students to study in group discussion and coorperate with the classmates.

  VI Analysis of teaching aids

  In order to catch students’ attention, I will prepare multi-media and pictures.

  VII Analysis of teaching procedures

  Here comes to my most inportant part--analysis of teaching procedures. This part consist of five steps.

  Step1 warming up

  Firstly, i will show a group of mottos about book reading, then i will ask students to think what the mottos about. Then i will ask some students to share their own opinions, and i will summarize the topic of these mottos. by doing this, students’ attention and interest chould be aroused, and the topic of these mottos is related to the topic of this unit.

  Step2 pre-listening

  I will show some pictures of different book cover, and ask students what book classification does each book cover belong to, then i will tell them the book classification, and ask stuudents o discuss what kind of book do they like to read and why? After the hot discussion, i will ask some students to share. Finally i will tell students that there are two friends talking something about books too.

  The pictures of book cover and the questions is related to the the topic of the listening material. students can know something about book though these activities, which is helpful for students to understand the listening material.

  Step 3 while-listening

  In this step, i will play the tape twice. For the first time, i will ask students to have an extensive listening, and ask them a question “what are they talking about?” “How many kinds of books do they mentioned?” by this way, students can have a rough understanding of the listening material.

  Then, i will play the tape for the second time, ask students “what kind of book does daniel like to read and why?”“what kind of book does sandy like to read and why?” “ what does daniel and sandy read about respectively?” this time students should catch some detailed information and have a deep understanding to the listensing material. Though this way students’ listening ability can be trained.

  Step 4 post-listening

  After listening, i will ask students to imitate the dialuge in a real situation to practice the scentence pattern and their speaking ability. Then, Ask students to do a survey on “what do you like to read and why”in a group of four ,then choose some repoters to report. Finally,Ask students to have a discussion on why do we need to read in a group of four,then ask some of them to share their opinions.

  Though various activities, students can consolidate the knowledge of what they have learned. Students’ the wat of thinking can be expanded through this part.students can join in the class actively and be the host of the class.

  Step 5 summary and homework

  I will do a summary with students together by asking them questions, and tell students the importance of reading. By doing this , students; knowledge can be systematized.

  Ask students to choose his or her favourite book, introduce the book to the class and tell the class the reason why you choose it. The task is more meaningful and practical, it will inprove students’ interest of book reading.

  VIII Analysis of blackboard design

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